LITTLE GENIUS COMMUNITY CLUB LITTLE GENIUS COMMUNITY CLUB was set up by our founder with an objective to provide help to the poor and needy Muslims. The club would be managed by a team of our company representatives and our parents. This is non-profitable charity club that operates purely based on donations and profits from […]

TEACHERS TRAINING: ‘Where Every Teacher is a Trained Maestro in Early Childhood Education

TEACHERS TRAINING: ‘Where Every Teacher is a Trained Maestro in Early Childhood Education LITTLE GENIUS PRE-SCHOOL DATE: 20th December -22nd December 2024PLACE: HOTEL JANNAH, Bertam, Kepala Batas.ATTENDANCE: 70 teachers and LG staff.COORDINATION: CDR Hj Zainal Abidin Bin NagorekaniHQ staff led by Dr Farah Wahida Bt Ayob, Mr Mohd Zailani Bin Nagorekani,Mr Muhd Izzat Asyraf and […]

School Trip

Students learn best when they can see, hear, and experience things first-hand. Multi-sensory learning is an important part of school life, and school trips answer the requirements of all five senses. It’s because of this that schools arrange trips to help children learn more about the subjects that they are studying. Educational trips can be […]

Activates improves mind

Roin bibendum nibhsds. Nuncsdsd fermdada msit ametadasd consequat. Praes porr nulla sit amet dui lobortis, id venenatis nibh accums. Proin lobortis tempus odio eget venenatis. Proin fermentum ut massa at bibendum. Proin bibendum non est quis egestas. Pellentesque at enim id enim tempus placerat. Etiam tempus gravida leo, et gravida justo bibendum non. Suspendisse vitae […]