LITTLE GENIUS COMMUNITY CLUB was set up by our founder with an objective to provide help to the poor and needy Muslims. The club would be managed by a team of our company representatives and our parents. This is non-profitable charity club that operates purely based on donations and profits from Little Genius International activities.
In future, our director has a vision to build an Islamic Community Centre. Imagine a centre that you could meet friends, pray and play indoor. Whereby you can place your child in our child care centres and meet business friends and family.
1- Little Genius Community Club objectives is to establish an Islamic Pre School so that our children can develop into exemplary Malaysian Muslims.
2- To provide our Muslim Community in vicinity of our school a religious and spiritual platform.
3- Promote friendly relationship between Muslim Community.
4- To provide various other services to the Muslim Community such as Umrah/Hajj, latest Fatwa and others.
5- To be One Stop Center for parents of our preschool children to provide feedback.
6- To discuss action plan to improve our preschool set up and environment.
1- Contribute financially; No amount is too small in the sight of Allah.
2- Sponsor a classroom equipments in the name of an individual.
3- Provide constructive feedbacks for the betterment of our schools.
4- Donation or Zakat to our staff would be appreciated.
5- Forward this request to friends and relatives.
6- Join our activities voluntarily.
We pray that Allah accept it as Sadaqah Jariah.
“Those who spend their wealth [in Allah’s way] by night and by day, secretly and publicly – they will have their reward with their Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.” (Al-Quran 2 : 274)
In Person